We help businesses nationwide
pay the least amount of tax

legally possible.

Tax & Accounting Services For small Businesses

Are you overpaying

the IRS?

Are you overpaying the IRS?
Former IRS Agent Carlotta Thompson gives you the insider secrets to save you thousands and pay the least amount of taxes legally possible!
Take this short quiz to find out:

Are you overpaying the IRS?


The Tax Course


A DIY course for businesses under $100k. Learn tax strategies, what you should be claiming, how to much to put away for taxes and what you could be saving by maximizing your deductions. This is a great place to get started growing your business with profit.

Tax Strategy Implentation


This program is designed for small businesses generating at least $200k up to $50M. We create a tax strategy plan for you and implement and infuse that each month into your bookkeeping, tax prep and CFO services creating a holistic approach to help you pay the least taxes legally possible.

Tax Strategy Audit


If you’re over the multiple million mark, chances are you have an in-house accounting service and aren’t in need of our implementation program, but could benefit from a custom tax strategy. Work 1-1 with Carlotta to review your general ledger, create a tax strategy for your business and more.

“Saving money doesn’t have to be hard —
You just have to be smart about it.”

Not sure what services you need?
Talk to us.

Carlotta Thompson & Associates is an accounting service that helps small business owners pay the least amount of taxes legally possible through education, enacting a custom tax strategy plan, and strategy-based bookkeeping.

Carlotta Thompson As Seen On

Need Help Making Sense of Your Business Taxes?

Get answers to what you should be claiming for your tax return, how much to put away for tax free wealth and what tax savings you can take advantage of with the right tax strategy.



Make Sense of Your Business Taxes